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12 August 2016

BARCELONA, Spain. Mercat de la Llibertat

Districte de Gràcia

Mercat de la Llibertat [Liberty Market], built from 1888 and opened in 1893. Although the project was signed by municipal architect Miquel Pasqual i intoré, really is a work in Art Nouveau style designed by a collaborator of Antoni Gaudí, Francesc Berenguer i Mestres (Reus, 21 July 1866 - Barcelona, 8 February 1914), which is also the author of the decorations. It was remodeled entirely in 1990s, respecting the appearance of the original building. In this detail of the main facade it looks shield with three lilies of former town of Gràcia.

Photo © Giselle, 07.2016.

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