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14 August 2016

LYON, France. Cathédrale Saint-Jean

LYON, France
Place Saint-Jean

Cathédrale Saint-Jean. Detail of the facade. For lack of resources, this Gothic building took three centuries to be built over another church from the 11th century: the works began in 1175 and were completed in 1480. Damaged in 1562 during the Wars of Religion; in 1793 during the siege of Lyon; and during the withdrawal of German troops in September 1944, it was restored several times. The latest reforms are late 20th century and early 21st century;
in all cases was respected as much as possible to its original appearance. In 1862 the temple was declared a historical monument. The gargoyles, as seen in the photo, representing mythological or monstrous beings.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 01.2009.

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