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18 August 2016

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Latinska ćuprija

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Latinska ćuprija [Latin bridge]. This 16th century Ottoman bridge over the Miljacka river (called Principov most / Принципов мост by Serbs and during the Yugoslav era) is the oldest of the city. Originally was wooden, and was replaced by a stone circa 1565. Badly damaged by a flood on 15 November 1791, was rebuilt between 1798 and 1799. Beside him, on the right bank of the river, 28 June 1914 the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip carried out the attack that killed Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, regarded as the trigger for World War I.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 11.2008. 

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