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11 August 2016

TRNAVA, Slovakia. Stĺp Svätej Trojice

TRNAVA, Slovakia
Trojičné námestie

Stĺp Svätej Trojice [Holy Trinity Column], built in Baroque style 
by Ján Krištof Khien in 1695. Withdrawn in 1949, during the Soviet regime, and stored in a warehouse, it was restored and replaced in its place: it was reconsecrated solemnly on 21 November 1993. At the base there are figures of angels and statues of St. Agatha, St. Francis Xavier, St. Anthony of Padua and St. Florian. Down, the sculpture of St. Rosalia looks as if in a tomb.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 04.2014.

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