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Showing posts with label ▫ Artist: VICENT Octavio (Spanish sculptor). Show all posts
Showing posts with label ▫ Artist: VICENT Octavio (Spanish sculptor). Show all posts

05 July 2016

MOGUER (Andalucía), Spain. Monument to Juan Ramón Jiménez

MOGUER (Andalucía) Spain
Plaza del Cabildo

Monument to the poet Juan Ramon Jiménez (Moguer, 23 December 1881 - San Juan, Puerto Rico, 29 May 1958), consisting of two sculptural friezes in marble and a seated statue of the poet, in bronze. The work is by sculptor Octavio Vicent (Valencia, 25 December 1913 - 20 October 1999), and was inaugurated on 16 October 1982 in the porticoes of the town hall of Moguer. In 2015 the monument was installed in the Plaza del Cabildo.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 10.2012.