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Showing posts with label theaters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theaters. Show all posts

26 November 2016

TAMPERE, Finland

TAMPERE, Finland.

Old fountain with mask figure in relief, in a wall of Tampereen Teatteri [Tampere's Theater].

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 10.2016.

17 September 2016

GRENOBLE, France. Théâtre Sainte Marie d'en Bas

38 rue Très-Cloîtres.

Detail of the façade of the Théâtre Sainte Marie d'en Bas, former chapel of the same name built in Baroque style in the mid 17th century, which was part of a convent of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, opened in 1652. The chapel was blessed and opened worship on 23 February 1786, and in 1789 the nuns had to leave the convent, expelled by the Revolution. Later the place was used as a warehouse and then as army ordnance depot. In 1906 it became the property of the city of Grenoble and was abandoned for some time. After the utilize some theater groups, in 1986 the old chapel was made available to the Compagnie Diden Berramdane, who adapted it to make it two years later, in theater. On 18 April 1988 he was declared a historical monument.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 01.2009.