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Showing posts with label contemporary architecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contemporary architecture. Show all posts

04 February 2024

BARCELONA, Spain. Santa Caterina Market

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 02.2022.

Photo © Estudi EMBT, Enric Miralles& Benedetta Tagliabue.

Santa Caterina Market (Ciutat Vella district).

The current market was built in 1848 on an old convent by the Catalan architects Josep Boixareu i Gallart (1804-1871) and Francesc Vallès i Cuchí (1797-1879), dating from 1848. It was remodeled in 1864 by another architect, Miquel Garriga i Roca (1808-1888). But the final remodeling, which is what is seen in the image, is due to the FMBT Architecture Studio, formed by Enric Miralles (1955-2000) and Benedetta Tagliabue (b. 1963). It was inaugurated on May 10, 2005. It is characterized, above all, by the curved shapes of the roof, covered with 4,200 square meters of ceramic mosaic in the colors of fruits and vegetables (see second photo).

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 02.2022.

30 August 2016


Barrio de Fontiñas
Praza de Europa

Details inside the shopping center Área Central, which opened on 23 October 1993. The building was designed by architect Luis Collarte (Ourense, 4 January 1960).

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 05.2010.


Barrio de Fontiñas
Praza de Europa

Detail of the central part of the façade of the shopping center Área Central, which opened on 23 October 1993. The building was designed by architect Luis Collarte (Ourense, 4 January 1960).

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 05.2010.

29 August 2016

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Holiday Inn Hotel

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Part of the façade of the Holiday Inn Hotel, home of foreign correspondents during 1984 Winter Olympics and throughout
of siege of Sarajevo (5 April 1992 - 29 February 1996) during
the Bosnian War. It is one of the iconic symbols of the recent history of the city. 
The hotel was designed by the Bosnian
architect Ivan 
Štraus (Kremna, Serbia, 24 June 1928) and built between 1982 and 1983.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 11.2008.

15 August 2016

DUBLIN, Ireland. Gaiety Centre

DUBLIN, Ireland
South King Street

Part of the facade of the Gaiety Centre, designed by A & D Wejchert Architects, built in 2009.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 04.2011.