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Tus contribuciones serán bienvenidas. si me envías fotos, indica por favor la localización, la fecha (o, al menos, el año)
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Vos contributions sont les bienvenues. Si vous m’envoyez des photos, indiquez s.v.p. le lieu, la date (ou au moins l'année)
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I vostri contributi saranno benvenuti. Se mi invierete delle foto, vi prego d’indicare i luoghi dove sono state riprese, la data (almeno l’anno) e il nome del fotografo. Grazie.

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Showing posts with label smokestacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smokestacks. Show all posts

23 September 2016

TARNOBRZEG, Poland. Dzików, Tarnowski’s castle


Part of the façade of Tarnowski’s castle, a brick building in Neo-Gothic style from the first half of the 19th century. The kitchen 
and other facilities was built in 1858 by Polish architect of Italian origin Francesco (Franciszek) Maria Lanci (Fano, 1799 - Warsaw, 
12 November 1875).

Photo © Kazimierz R. Leszczyński, 11.2013.

26 July 2016

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sahat Kula

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mudželeti veliki

Sahat Kula, the Ottoman clock tower built in the 17th century. The current clock was installed in the second half of the 19th century, during the Austro-Hungarian period (1878-1918).

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 11.2008.

19 July 2016

CĒSIS, Latvia. Vecā alus darītava

CĒSIS, Latvia
Vecā alus darītava

Former brewery, built in 1878, used from 1976 to 2001 for production of soft drinks and then abandoned.
He is currently an art center with exhibition halls.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 09.2009.