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Showing posts with label cableways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cableways. Show all posts

07 March 2024

BARCELONA, Spain. Jaume I tower

Harbour, Moll de Barcelona.

Jaume I tower.

This tower, designed by engineer Carles Buïgas, was built in 1931 (it was inaugurated on 13 September of that year) to house the intermediate station of the Aerial Tramway that connects the port of Barcelona with Montjuïc mountain. It has a height of 107 meters (351 feet), it is a notable example of iron architecture and for its construction, light steel structures in the shape of a Saint Andrew's cross were used. Its upper end is accessed by stairs, and the two viewpoints are characteristic, one intermediate and the other upper. Until 1966 it was the highest cable car support in the world. It is protected as a Cultural Asset of Local Interest. His name is that of Jaume I (James I), count of Barcelona and king of Aragon.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 10.2022.