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Showing posts with label antennas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antennas. Show all posts

02 September 2016

LYON, France. Tour métallique de Fourvière

LYON, France
Colline de Fourvière

Tour métallique de Fourvière [Metallic tower of Fourvière], of 85.90 meters high and a structure similar to the third floor of 
the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was built between 1892 and 1894 
for the Universal Exhibition of Lyon, according to the plans of 
the engineer Eugène Collonge, but popular tradition says is a 
work of Gustave Eiffel. It was officially opened to the public on 
3 May 1894 and was equipped with a hydraulic lift for 22 people. 
In 1963 were installed in the tower the antennas for the French broadcasting and television.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 01.2009.