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15 June 2016

TARTU, Estonia. Wallpainting

TARTU, Estonia

Representation of an olden time scene in front of the main building of the University of Tartu, on the south side wall of the Von Bocki maja, at the junction of the Lossi and Ülikooli streets.
The mural is an exact likeness of Louis Höflinger's engraving from 1860. The blueprint for the giant reproduction of the engraving was prepared by Maarja Roosi, a computer graphic designer/artist working at the Tartu University's IT Office. The mural itself was painted on the wall by a group of Tartu Art College students under the supervision of Madis Liplap and Valentin Vaher, both teachers at the college.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 08.2009.

(Thanks for completing the information to Jekaterina Semennikova, Information specialist of the Tartu Visitor Centre.)

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