Your contributions are welcome. If you send me photos, please indicate the location, date (or at least the year) and the photographer's name. Thank you.

Tus contribuciones serán bienvenidas. si me envías fotos, indica por favor la localización, la fecha (o, al menos, el año)
y el nombre del fotógrafo. Gracias.

Vos contributions sont les bienvenues. Si vous m’envoyez des photos, indiquez s.v.p. le lieu, la date (ou au moins l'année)
et le nom du photographe. Merci.

I vostri contributi saranno benvenuti. Se mi invierete delle foto, vi prego d’indicare i luoghi dove sono state riprese, la data (almeno l’anno) e il nome del fotografo. Grazie.

Click on photos to enlarge.

13 July 2016

LEIDEN, Netherlands. Plaque (1644)

LEIDEN, Netherlands

Wilt v Verblyden hier is het paert laet ons ryden
[‘Do you want to rejoice. Here is the horse, let us be take away’]

Den os is tyt geslagen hy is vet hy cant niet langen drage
[‘The time has come for the beef. It is fat; it cannot bear it any longer’]

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 09.2007.

(Thanks to Johan Ockerman for his help in the translation of texts in Dutch)

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