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23 July 2016

TALLINN, Estonia. Kanuti Püha gild

TALLINN, Estonia
Pikk tänav 20
Kanuti Püha gild [Saint Knut guild]

Part of façade of this guild, placed under the protection of St. Knud, established in the 13th century, belonged to the artisans and merchants of the city. The current building, which replaces the previous (1326 and 1470), was built in 1864 with sculptures of King Knut IV of Denmark (1182-1202) and Martin Luther (Eisleben, 10 November 1483 - 18 February de 1546). Guilds were suppressed in 1920. Today the building houses a concert hall. 

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 05.2003.

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