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21 July 2016

TRIESTE, Italy. Palazzo del Governo

Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia
Palazzo del Governo

Parts of the façade of the Palazzo del Governo (Government Palace), designed by the Austrian architect Emil Artman as Palast der k.k. Statthalterei (Palace of Lieutenancy) of the Austro-Hungarian government. The façade was covered with Murano glass mosaics designed in Innsbruck by the by Austro-Hungarian artist Josef Straka (Saar [now Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia], 12 February 1864 - Vienna, 
24 March 1946). The building was inaugurated in 1905 and restored 
in 1960s.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 08.2006.

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