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18 July 2016

WARSZAWA, Poland. Monument to Józef Poniatowski

Krakowskie Przedmieście
Pałac Koniecpolskich [Presidential Palace]

Monument to Prince Józef Poniatowski (Vienna, Austria, 7 May 1763 - drowned in the White Elster river, Germany, 19 October 1813), made by Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen (Copenhagen, 19 November 1770 - 24 March 1844) in 1832. It was dismantled and reinstalled several times and destroyed by the German occupiers on 16 December 1944. It was rebuilt from the original molds, preserved in Denmark, and finally placed in its current site on 19 October 1965.

Photo © Kazimierz R. Leszczyński, 07.2011.

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