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04 February 2024

VILADECANS, Catalonia, Spain. Can Modolell

Plaça de la Vila. Con Modolell (Ajuntament / City hall).
Can Modolell.

Can Modolell is the result of a renovation carried out in 1892 of a fortified house with a defense tower built in the 16th century. This reform is the work of the Catalan modernist architect Josep Azemar i Pont (Figueres, 1862 - Barcelona, 1914). After the death of its owner, Magdalena Modolell i Freixas (1915), her heirs agreed to transfer the building to the Viladecans City Council, which became effective on March 31, 1920. The clock tower, visible in the photo, was added in the 1940s.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 11.2020.

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