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17 July 2016

BARCELONA, Spain. Monument to Antonio López y López

Plaça d’Antonio López

Monument to the Spanish businessman Antonio López y López, 
marquis of Comillas (Comillas 12 April 1817 - Barcelona, 16 January 1883), a work made in 1944 by the sculptor Frederic Marès (Portbou, 
18 September 1893 - Barcelona, 16 August 1991) for replace the previous one, made in 1884 by the sculptor Venanci Vallmitjana, destroyed in 1936 during the Spanish civil war. The reliefs are of the sculptors Lluís Puiggener, Joan Roig Solé, Rossend Nobas and Francesc Pagès Serratosa.
Public opinion in Barcelona has called for the removal of the monument, as among the businesses of the marquis of Comillas excelled the trade of black slaves from Africa to the Spanish colony of Cuba.

Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 07.2010.

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