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10 September 2016

BEOGRAD / БЕOГРАД, Serbia. Saint Sava Temple


Domes of Saint Sava Temple (Hram Svetog Save / Храм Светог Саве), the largest Orthodox church in Europe, dedicated to the founder of the Orthodox Church of Serbia. The construction, funded by donations, began on 10 May  1935 (coinciding with the 350th anniversary of the burning of the remains of the saint by the Ottomans) and has not finished inside. The plans were designed by architect Aleksandar Deroko (Belgrade, 16 September 1894 - 30 November 1988). The works were halted during the World War II, when they were bombed by the Germans, and not continued after the war, when the building was used as military housing. These works were resumed on 12 August 1985 under the direction of architect Branko Pešić (Zemun, 1921 - Lignano, Italy, 2006), and in 2003 finished outside. The main dome has a height of 70 meters ( 79 meters including the cross).

Photo © Zorica Vuković [v.zoka in Instagram], 03.2016.

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